
Earn money with google adsense for beginners

How to make money online

Earn money with google adsense for beginners. Make money online. There are many advertising programs, but the most famous of them is AdSense.

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you can monetize your website traffic that can help you make money with Google Ads by advertising third party products or services.

The advertising program was launched by Google in the middle of 2003 and is currently the most popular advertising program on the Internet.

It offers webmasters and site owners a good opportunity to monetize their website traffic - every year, Google Adsense costs more than $10 billion to its publishers annually.

If you have ever asked yourself, “What is AdSense, how can I make money with Google Adsense without a website” then the following article will give you some hints.

Advantages of Google Adsense

More than 10 million websites, publishers and advertisers use a Google AdSense account.

Both advertisers and publishers have a high level of security, security, and transparency in their AdSense account.

This is a good feature of AdSense. Google acts as an intermediary between the two parties and knows very well that the process is clear and transparent to all.

All necessary metrics can be tracked within your Google Analytics account.

How do I get AdSense ads?

There are a variety of ad formats in AdSense, advertisers can choose the ad format and sizes. Play text, video, image ads, HTML ads, and more.

As a publisher, you can use and experiment with different types of ads and choose the one that brings you the most revenue.

Tip: Check the ad sizes most used by publishers on their websites. For example, with our own study, we found out that the most popular and used ad sizes are 728 x 90 and 300 x 250 based on an analysis of more than 63,000 publishers and advertisers.

How does adsense work?

The process is very simple. At first, you can log in to AdSense, sign up for Google Adsense, create an AdSense account, insert a small amount of ad code into your website pages - and Google will display targeted ads on your site content that are relevant to the content your site shows. This is based on special algorithms.

Visitors to your own website will start clicking on ads, and you will be paid for those clicks. Google AdSense is based on revenue sharing and CPC.

This means that your main job is to get as many clicks as possible for those ads from your site visitors.

Tip: Don't try to trick Google and don't encourage your visitors to click on ads with the intention of artificially increasing the number of clicks. You are not allowed to click on ads on your site or else your account will be suspended.

Google has a more sophisticated and rigorous system in place to prevent illegitimate clicks, fake and fraudulent visits.

As soon as the Google algorithm notices any suspicious activity on your site or has any doubts on the website about the quality of your traffic and clicks, the site traffic will be reviewed if it violates the criteria of the AdSense policy and your account will be suspended.

how to make money on adSense?

Google charges advertisers a fee that determines the cost-per-click for any ad. Publishers get about 67% of CPC (or 52% when it comes to AdSense for search).

The commission you get is highly dependent on the competition and CPC in the relevant field. In practice, the commission per click can range from $0.25 to $14. The majority of outlets bring in less than $3 per click for publishers. However, there are some areas that can be very profitable.

  • There are two ways to discover the most profitable topics:

  1. Estimating in-place average CPC using the CPC map tool.
  2. Most publishers bring in less than $3 per click. However, some areas can be very profitable.
  3. Using the CPC Map tool, you calculate the average CPC in the appropriate position:
  4. You can notice that the three most expensive in the US are marketing, advertising, online education, and insurance. If you are a beginner in creating a blog and want to choose a profitable domain, you can choose one of the previous domains, which are very useful for you.

  • Check in Keyword Magic, the CPC for a given keyword.

  1. This supported tool provides you with the largest database of keywords in the world. Where it offers (more than 14.6 billion keywords). You can search just by entering a keyword ("AdSense", for example) and it will give you loads of related search terms with accurate stats on CPC value, level of competition, and search volume for each search term.
  2. Tip: The amount of CPC you earn is not based solely on your niche. It depends on how the ads match the interest of your visitors and audience, depending on where the ads are located on the page, so pay close attention to your website content in terms of content quality and site look and test multiple positions within the page to get the most effective option.

Blogger Ads

Finally, and most important of all, AdSense earnings depend on the amount of targeted traffic to the website. You can choose the best positions to display your ads, and choose the most expensive niche to get good earnings, but it is all useless if there is no traffic on your website or blog.

Keep in mind that the more visitors to your site, the higher the click-through rate, but a few of your visitors will click, not all of them. Webmasters usually report a statistic of 1% to 2% representing a good CTR. Thus, those clicks will bring you less than a dollar or one dollar for a click.

You can now calculate the amount of traffic your website needs to earn the money you seek. So, if you want to make money with adsense, you have to bring a large amount of traffic to your website.

This job requires a lot of unique content writing. This means that it is difficult for you to create high-quality content on a topic that you do not know, but it is easy for you to create content that is unique to you.

Do not expect to make money in the content industry unless you have the skill to create good content and at least 30-40 articles before you start working in AdSense.

AdS Website Rules Summary

  1. In short, with Google AdSense you can make good money, but it is not a program with which you can get rich quickly. There are some rules that will help you lay the foundation and that you can follow to achieve high and stable profits:
  2. I love the field you write about, and you know a lot about, so it's easy for you.
  3. In addition to writing relevant, unique and high-quality content, to let Google know that your website content is regularly and constantly updated with up-to-date information.
  4. Do not try to deceive Google with any kind of illegitimate and "artificial" clicks.
  5. It is a good idea to search on the most profitable domains in terms of cost per click and the amount of search volume on search engines.
  6. Build an organizational plan for writing your content based on these ideas.
  7. This will help you to get a large amount of traffic from your traffic and monetize it with AdSense.

Zayed Mohamed

Hi, I am a fan of technology and online shopping. I am also interested in Entrepreneurship, SEO, Web Hosting, and WordPress.

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